It's the year 1898 and government reformists are aggressively sought out and publicly executed by the Ching Dynasty officials. Master Wang, a leader of the reformist party, enlists the help of skilled fighters for reinforcements, including Cheong San, a longtime enemy of the treacherous Lord Wing. With the help of Lela Wong, Cheong San's betrothed, Cheong San and Master Wnag battle their nemesis to further their cause. What Cheong San's enemies believe to be his weak point they soon discover to be his source of power. He is most lethal when intoxicated, lending him the name of Drunken San. This is another must-see for classic kung fu combat fans.
1900年,帝国主义凭借洋枪洋炮叩开封闭已久的中国大门,八国联军长驱直入,烧杀抢掠,无恶不作。慈禧太后和皇帝仓皇逃出紫禁城,黎民百姓未及逃脱,遭受洋人的屠杀和凌辱。义和团将勇石不仁起兵反抗,无奈兵器落后,被洋人杀得丢盔弃甲,死伤无数。 北京郊区附近,醉鬼张三(徐麟威 饰)隐居于此,他身怀绝技,武艺高强,其父曾是清廷官员,但遭到荣禄陷害,家人尽丧性命。在青梅竹马的王丽媛(惠英红 饰)的帮助下,张三杀死荣禄走狗玉面狼,逃到京城。他们与石不仁会合,四方好汉决心不惜一切代价救出被八国联军囚禁起来的妇女。一场营救行动旋即展开…