
The film begins with a trio of friends in college (Malar, Mona, Gayathri). Mona falls in love with Karthik (Shiv Pandit) despite the advice of Malar (Manasi Parekh Gohil) who suspects Karthik to be a complete flirt. One day, while on a date, Mona mentions to Karthik, Malar's views about him and this gets Karthik to start disliking Malar for interfering in his love life. When Karthik calls Mona, Malar picks the call up accidentally and they get into an argument with Karthik venting out his anger towards her interfering in his love life. Shortly later, he breaks up with Mona. Gayathri believing Mona was a wrong choice in Karthik's life begins to date Karthik, while Malar is firmly against it. The relationship ends the same way as his relationship with Mona. A year or two later both Karthik and Malar work at the same software company on different floors in the same building. One day, while trying to call his friend on Malar's floor, he accidentally calls Malar and the two realize their identities and presence in the building and the age-old feud resumes. Over lunch, both Malar's friend (Vicky) and his own friend (Suja) advise him to sort it with Malar. Vicky questions why Karthik would fight with such a beautiful woman as Malar. Karthik not knowing what Malar looks like decides to take a look at her. When he sees Malar he falls in love at first sight, he then tries to reconcile with Malar, but Malar is not willing to forgive a flirt like Karthik. Karthik becomes desperate and begins to follow Malar and in a chance meeting orchestrated by Karthik he introduces himself as a sweet and kind person by the name of 'Sundar'. Malar who has never met Karthik face to face, believes his false identity and begins to open up to Sundar. They start to get to know each other and meet often, when one day Suja who works with Malar finds out about his game. Suja gives Karthik the ultimatum to reveal his true identity, once Malar declares her love for Sundar. Karthik tries to salvage his

  • TheTVDB.com Movie ID 121691
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide April 27, 2012
  • Genres Comedy
  • Original Country India
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages Tamil
  • Production Company Aascar Films R Films
  • Production Countries India
  • On Other Sites IMDB TheMovieDB.com
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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