Hamou a quitté l'Algérie pour faire fortune à Paris, et habite dans le quartier Barbès. Alors qu'il ne vit que de petits trafics, il se vante auprès de sa mère qu'il gagne bien sa vie, qu'il possède un logement de type F4, une belle 604… Les problèmes commencent le jour où sa mère arrive d'Algérie et s'installe durablement dans sa vie.
Having gone to seek his fortune, or quite simply a good job in France, Hamou, a young Algerian, became, as we see a few years later, only a thug living on petty theft and gambling in the streets of Barbes. and Belleville. Boastful and mythomaniac, he lives in poverty but pretends to be rich towards those he has left behind. To finally seduce the girl he wants, he resorts to the witchcraft of a charlatan. But, contrary to his hopes, love knocks at his door - in the guise of his mother. Clearly understanding her son's situation, she will try, not without difficulty, to bring him back to the country.