Thomas, 19 ans, se réveille à l'hôpital après trois ans de coma. Il ne se souvient de rien. La psychologue Anna lui apprend que sa famille a été assassinée et qu'il est le seul survivant du massacre alors que sa sœur Laura est toujours portée disparue. Thomas tente de reconstituer ses souvenirs fragmentés. Aidé par le psychologue, reconstitue son passé pour enfin démasquer le meurtrier et tenter de retrouver Laura. Mais de vrais souvenirs insoupçonnés surgissent alors de ce labyrinthe mental
Thomas, 19, wakes up in hospital after three years in a coma. He doesn't remember anything. The psychologist Anna tells him that his family was murdered and that he is the only survivor of the massacre while his sister Laura is still missing. Thomas attempts to piece together his fragmented memories. Helped by the psychologist, reconstructs his past to finally unmask the murderer and try to find Laura. But real unsuspected memories then arise from this mental labyrinth
Dopo essersi risvegliato dal coma senza ricordare nulla della notte in cui la sua famiglia è stata uccisa, un ragazzo e la sua psichiatra cercano di scoprire la verità.
Um jovem acorda do coma sem se lembrar da noite em que toda a família foi assassinada. Para tentar descobrir o que aconteceu, ele vai contar com a ajuda de uma psicóloga.
Alan Strauss jest terapeutą uwięzionym przez pacjenta, który okazuje się seryjnym mordercą. W obliczu uciekającego czasu Alan desperacko walczy, by powstrzymać Sama, zanim stanie się współwinny dokonywanych przez niego morderstw lub, co gorsza, sam stanie się celem ataku.
Português - Brasil
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