Le Capitaine Duroc est ce qu'on appelle dans le jargon des services secrets, "un moustachu", un homme de terrain. Des coups tordus, il en a connus mais pas aussi tordus que l'histoire du parking sur l'autoroute A7, dont son supérieur a eu l'idée. Mais Duroc n'est pas si bête...
法国情报部门欲使用一个双重间谍消除恐怖组织,为了达到这个目的,首长杜克给了卖国贼一辆装满炸药的车。然而这整个事件是个双重陷阱。部门的另一个军官, 勒罗伊有着自己另外的计划...
The French intelligence service want to use a double agent to eliminate a terrorist groupe. To do this, the captain Duroc will give to the traitor a car filled with explosives. But the whole thing is a double trap. One of the officer of the Service, Leroy, has plan a dreadful blow to discredit his new director. He had chosen Duroc because is not supposed to be an intelligent agent.
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