Lazarus: Apocalypse

Lazarus: APOCALYPSE revolves around the character of George A. Lazarus (Ray Capuana, Emerging Past), an insurance investigator who schedules routine interviews with twelve employees and owner Mammon Beelzebub (played by Churchill, writer/director The Emerging Past, Check Point) of the Deadly Sin Cigarette Company upon the receipt of a rather suspicious insurance claim. In the process, he learns that all twelve had recently been fired for being sick at the job, and then subsequently and without a trace, they disappeared. Two weeks later, with Lazarus now a missing person, his heart-sick fiancée Bethany Loomis (Natalie Victoria, Dead Head) and Chip (Kevin Eugene Franklin) undertake the task of finding him. While retracing his steps, they learn that what was initially regarded as a simple fraud investigation case may actually be the beginning of the end of the human race. Set in Hollywood in 1957.

  • The Day of the Living Dead
  • Hollywood Apocalypse
  • Lazarus: Day of the Living Dead
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