A woman named Sheba Mitra (Sumita Sanyal) comes to a remote hill town, Nijhumgarh to be the governess of girl child Ranu (Debashree Roy). Shankar Roy (Biswajit Chatterjee), the owner of the almost haunted bungalow called ''Raykuthi.'' Ranu is his only child. Sheba came to know everything is going mysterious surrounding her. She tried to know the history about the Bungalow and the dwellers and started investigation secretly. Old family friend Dr. Choudhury (Satya Bandopadhyay) and Shankar's cousine Satyabhusan (Ajitesh Bandopadhyay) were very much related with the family. Sheba suddenly knew that two murders took place there nearly seven years earlier. She watched that mysterious incidents are happening. A lady like Shankar's deceased wife sings and walks in the adjacent jungle almost every night to attract the girl child and his father Shankar. Now Sheba could only pray for it to Go Away as incidents transcend the rules of our physical world. It revealed that the main culprit is one very close and trusted to the family.
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