Per troppo tempo Tony è stato lontano dalla macchina da presa. Sette anni di oblio, dopo un avvio di carriera folgorante. Ma quei giorni sembrano lontani ormai, ed il giovane regista ha deciso di mettersi nuovamente in carreggiata accettando la proposta del potentissimo produttore cinematografico Harry Kassar: girare Kiss me Lorena, sulla base di una sceneggiatura scritta dalla figlia dello stesso Kassar. Un progetto in cui Tony crede a tal punto da aver richiesto al suo fianco la vecchia squadra di sempre.
Tony has been away from the camera for too long. Seven years of oblivion, after a wonderful kick-started career. Those days seem now so far and the young film director decides to get back in line accepting an offer from the powerful producer Harry Kassar: making Kiss me Lorena, on the basis of a script written by the daughter of Mr. Kassar himself. Tony believes so much in the project that he chooses to have his old team on his side. Eight character around a table and a breath-taking script: Kiss Me Lorena. But despite the script, jealousies, old loves and unbelievable twists in the story, everything is bound to end tits up. Spacecrafts hanging from piano's strings, mythological heroes, pirates, urban cowboys and dancing zombies. What have all these things got in common? Absolutely nothing, despite the stupidity of the authors of this crazy feature film. Treasuring the teachings given by the Master Stanley Kubrick - "Guys, remember: cinema could be done on a shoe string