累計128万人を熱狂させた大ヒット劇場アニメ『KING OF PRISM』シリーズがスクリーンに帰ってくる!ワクワクドキドキの60分間のエンターテインメントショーで、あなたの世界もきっと輝くはず!歌とダンスとプリズムジャンプを組み合わせた総合エンターテインメントショーです! 『KING OF PRISM』は、プリズムショーに魅せられた個性豊かな少年たちが、観客を一番興奮させる“プリズムスタァ”を目指して、さまざまな試練や困難に直面しながら成長していく物語。本作は、2019年に劇場公開・TV放送された『KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars-』を新規パートを加えて再構築した作品です。
The blockbuster animated movie series "KING OF PRISM," which has thrilled a total of 1.28 million people, is coming back to the big screen! Your world is sure to shine with this 60-minute entertainment show that will keep you excited and excited! It's a comprehensive entertainment show that combines singing, dancing, and prism jumping! “KING OF PRISM” is a story about a group of unique boys who are captivated by the prism show and grow up while facing various trials and difficulties in order to become the “prism star” that excites the audience the most. This work is a reconstruction of "KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars-", which was released in theaters and broadcast on TV in 2019, with new parts added.