Cinco siglos antes de que Colón descubriera el "Nuevo Mundo", cuando sus costas eran visitadas por guerreros vikingos guiados por lo que denominaban "piedras de navegación", un esclavo llamado Kilian roba una de estas piedras y escapa con uno de sus barcos. Es salvado por los nativos, que le acogen y enseñan a aprovechar los recursos naturales. Kilian, amando su nueva vida y a su bella Turtle, lucha con la tribu para expulsar a Ivan, un vikingo que ha decidido convertirse en el primer colono europeo de América. La lucha no será tan fácil como él se espera
A boat carrying Vikings and an Irish slave, Killian is lost and comes to the coast of North America. To sail home, they need the crystal "Magic Stone" and Killian, who knows how to use the stone to find their way. But Killian escapes, taking the stone with him. The Native Americans in the area, the Passamaquoddy, rescue him and he learns the ways of the people. He becomes a brother to the hero Contacook, a friend to young Kitchi, and a lover to the beautiful girl, Turtle. The people teach him that the earth does not forget the evil that men do, that the earth does not belong to anyone. This resonates with the Irish Killian. He builds a boat, in which he hope to return to Ireland. This film, built on fragments of ancient Viking sagas, will forever change the way we view the past. "Killian's Chronicle: The Magic Stone"...a first story of America.
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