Melissa, a happily married woman with an eight-year-old daughter, invites her husband's mother to live with them, only to realize that Grandma is unhinged and wants to kidnap Melissa's daughter to replace her own dead child.
Melissa, a happily married woman with an eight-year-old daughter, invites her husband's mother to live with them, only to realize that Grandma is unhinged and wants to kidnap Melissa's daughter to replace her own dead child.
Melissa, a happily married woman with an eight-year-old daughter, invites her husband's mother to live with them, only to realize that Grandma is unhinged and wants to kidnap Melissa's daughter to replace her own dead child.
Melissa, a happily married woman with an eight-year-old daughter, invites her husband's mother to live with them, only to realize that Grandma is unhinged and wants to kidnap Melissa's daughter to replace her own dead child.
Melissa, une femme heureuse dans son mariage, avec une fille de huit ans, invite la mère de son mari à vivre avec eux. Elle se rendra finalement compte que cette grand-mère est complètement dérangée et cette dernière veut kidnapper la fille de Melissa pour remplacer son propre enfant décédé.
Melissa is al vele jaren gelukkig getrouwd met haar man Tom. Samen hebben ze een dochtertje, de achtjarige Annie. Yvonne, de moeder van Tom, krijgt te maken met vervelende problemen. Melissa heeft medelijden en laat Yvonne een tijdje in haar huis verblijven. Melissa weet echter niet dat Yvonne kwaadaardige plannen heeft.
Português - Brasil