Neuseeland ist – oder besser: war – ein "Planet der Vögel". Über Jahrmillionen gaben sie den Ton an. Auch wenn der Mensch vieles verändert hat: Neuseeland ist bis heute eine Welt für sich. Heute kämpfen die Neuseeländer darum, wenigstens einige der bedrohten Papageien- und Vogelarten zu retten. Die Keas, die heimlichen Helden Neuseelands, haben eine gute Chance.
Unlike most parrots, the Keas simply don't act as the usual ones. Instead of living in hot climates under the sun, those particular birds just love the snow, the cold weather, and in general, they prefer the harsh environment of New Zealand's mountains. In a country that no mammals exist, the Keas dominate in the sparse, rocky regions of the barren mountains, mainly because in order to survive, they have developed an unusual intelligence and resourcefulness, getting rid of any competition. With their agile minds, their mischievous curiosity and above all, their ability to solve problems and to utilise various things as tools, those persistent and determined birds have managed to become one of the most intelligent birds on the planet. However, their aptitude for learning isn't enough against the imported dangers brought by humans in New Zealand, such as cats, dogs, rats and mice and the worst of them all: the marten
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