合唱部部長の岡聡実(おかさとみ)はヤクザの成田狂児(なりたきょうじ)に突然カラオケに誘われ、歌のレッスンを頼まれる。組のカラオケ大会で最下位になった者に待ち受ける“恐怖”を回避するため、何が何でも上達しなければならないというのだ。狂児の勝負曲はX JAPANの「紅」。聡実は、狂児に嫌々ながらも歌唱指導を行うのだが、いつしかふたりの関係には変化が・・・。聡実の運命や如何に?そして狂児は最下位を免れることができるのか?
Nothing worries Satomi Oka more than the upcoming final choir competition of his middle school career—right up until he is accosted by a stranger from the shadows who demands, “Let's go karaoke!” As a yakuza, Kyouji Narita doesn't scare easily, but a terrifying prospect has driven him to seek Satomi's help. The boss is holding a karaoke contest, with the loser forced to get a tattoo to be selected and tortuously applied by the boss himself! Oka has been to many vocal rehearsals over the years, but never one-on-one karaoke sessions with a gangster!!