Celebramos em 2024 um encontro memorável, que foi o da entrega dos prémios da Casa da Imprensa, a 29 de Março de 1974. Com a presença de muitos militares que poucos dias depois fariam o 25 de Abril e com o Coliseu totalmente lotado, as pessoas levantaram-se e cantaram com José Afonso "Grândola, Vila Morena; Terra da Fraternidade;
In 2024, we held a memorable meeting, which was the awards ceremony at the Casa da Imprensa, on March 29, 1974. With the presence of many soldiers who would celebrate on April 25 a few days later, and with the Coliseum completely full of people, stood up and sang with José Afonso "Grândola, Vila Morena; Land of Fraternity; The People Are the Ones Who Order the Most; Within You, Oh City." This concert recorded at the Coliseu dos Recreios was a way to promote and remember a unique work that had as participants Vitorino Salomé, Manuel Freire, Francisco Fanhais, João Afonso and the Fraternidade Operária Grandolense Philharmonic Band.
Português - Portugal