Johannes er en ni-årig dreng, der bor alene sammen med sin mor. Natten før sin fødselsdag vågner han og opdager et kraftigt lys fra badeværelset. Op af kummen kommer en lille gnom, som viser sig at være Jesus i en noget anderledes udgave, end vi normalt kender ham. Da Johannes er meget optaget af, hvad der er godt og ondt, tager Jesus ham med ad samme utraditionelle vej, og dermed starter et eventyr, hvor Johannes kommer til at opleve forskellen på det gode og det onde.
Johannes is upset because his parents have divorced and because his father never phones him. Before going to bed he wants his mother to read something from the Bible for him, instead of one of the usual stories from Superman. She reads some lines from the Revelation of St. John. Johannes asks her what "the end is near" means. She explains that it is when Jesus comes back, and sends the good people to Paradise and the evil ones to Hell. In the middle of the night Johannes sees a dazzling light and lots of water pouring out from the toilet. Suddenly an androgynous being is standing in the bathroom. Johannes thinks it's Jesus, and the being doesn't deny it. Johannes asks Jesus if his parents are going to Hell, as he thinks they are evil.