Une fiction, la fugue d'une fillette de 11 ans, aînée de 3 enfants, la mère absente, le père prédateur, la grand-mère trop pure pour imaginer ce qui se passe. Classe de nature la fillette disparait… Elle est montée dans un camion ; un road movie merveilleux et tragique en compagnie d'un routier écossais, un voyage initiatique, une rencontre, des rencontres "où l'amour se pose" ?
Céline, 11, meets Peter, 40. Together they go on a "luminous journey" in his beautiful red truck. She, escaping her desperate and incestuous father; he, far from his native Scotland and the sad memory of his lost wife and daughter. In the course of a few days, a few words, Céline experiences her first true moments of childhood and lightness, exhilaration and trust. Peter goes towards the last days of a life that he offers, like a sublime and aging angel, to this wounded child.