Two young women meet at one of the public meetings. They both want to realize their womanhood, get married and have children, which seems almost impossible in a politicized time. In an effort to forget their past, marked by politics, in fear of misery, together they embark on an uncertain path of business. Their desire to get rich puts them in various comic and dramatic situations. And so they buy and sell holy and sinful pictures, video cameras, butter, grenades, and finally their bodies. When they manage to get the first million, emigrant Robert, a former Nonin fiancé, appears in their richly furnished apartment. The adventurous journey of business thus takes on a more complex form, the presence of a man has a destructive effect on the inseparable friendship of both women.
Děj filmu, sahající do dnešní reality, se začíná odvíjet od chvíle rušných listopadových událostí roku 1989. Dvě mladé ženy - Slovenka Nona (D. Horváthová) a Moravanka Ester (D. Veškrnová) se setkávají na jednom z veřejných mítinků. Zdánlivě protichůdné charaktery se postupně sblíží. Obě chtějí realizovat své ženství, vdát se a mít děti, což se v přepolitizované době zdá být takřka nemožné. V snaze zapomenout na svou minulost, poznamenanou politikou, ve strachu z bídy (hlavně Nona, která čeká dítě), se společně vrhnou na nejistou cestu podnikání. Jejich touha zbohatnout je dostává do různých komických i dramatických situací. A tak kupují a prodávají svaté i hříšné obrázky, videokamery, máslo, granáty a nakonec i své tělo. Mnohokrát padnou na úplné dno zoufalství, ale vždy v sobě najdou dost síly, aby začaly od začátku. ..
Two young women meet at one of the public meetings. They both want to realize their womanhood, get married and have children, which seems almost impossible in a politicized time. In an effort to forget their past, marked by politics, in fear of misery, together they embark on an uncertain path of business. Their desire to get rich puts them in various comic and dramatic situations. And so they buy and sell holy and sinful pictures, video cameras, butter, grenades, and finally their bodies. When they manage to get the first million, emigrant Robert, a former Nonin fiancé, appears in their richly furnished apartment. The adventurous journey of business thus takes on a more complex form, the presence of a man has a destructive effect on the inseparable friendship of both women.
Two young women meet at one of the public meetings. They both want to realize their womanhood, get married and have children, which seems almost impossible in a politicized time. In an effort to forget their past, marked by politics, in fear of misery, together they embark on an uncertain path of business. Their desire to get rich puts them in various comic and dramatic situations. And so they buy and sell holy and sinful pictures, video cameras, butter, grenades, and finally their bodies. When they manage to get the first million, emigrant Robert, a former Nonin fiancé, appears in their richly furnished apartment. The adventurous journey of business thus takes on a more complex form, the presence of a man has a destructive effect on the inseparable friendship of both women.
Two young women meet at one of the public meetings. They both want to realize their womanhood, get married and have children, which seems almost impossible in a politicized time. In an effort to forget their past, marked by politics, in fear of misery, together they embark on an uncertain path of business. Their desire to get rich puts them in various comic and dramatic situations. And so they buy and sell holy and sinful pictures, video cameras, butter, grenades, and finally their bodies. When they manage to get the first million, emigrant Robert, a former Nonin fiancé, appears in their richly furnished apartment. The adventurous journey of business thus takes on a more complex form, the presence of a man has a destructive effect on the inseparable friendship of both women.
故事发生在捷克,诺娜(迪娜·霍瓦索瓦 Deana Horváthová 饰)是一个平凡的女人,一次偶然中,诺娜解释了名为艾斯特(达格玛·维斯科莫娃 Dagmar Veskrnová 饰)的护士,艾斯特告诉诺娜,她曾经的恋人是一名党员,在革命失败之后,心灰意冷的他选择了自杀。
En tono de comedia ácida, el realizador retrata la confusión que sobrevino a la caída del bloque soviético y a la escisión de la antigua República Socialista de Checoslovaquia en dos Estados independientes (los checos por un lado y los eslovacos por el otro), en donde algunos personajes que medraban en la mediocridad se enriquecen súbitamente aprovechando el caos reinante. Con su filme, Jakubisko predijo el crecimiento del nacionalismo irracional en Europa Oriental, así como el desmantelamiento de la Federación Checoslovaca.
Two young women meet at one of the public meetings. They both want to realize their womanhood, get married and have children, which seems almost impossible in a politicized time. In an effort to forget their past, marked by politics, in fear of misery, together they embark on an uncertain path of business. Their desire to get rich puts them in various comic and dramatic situations. And so they buy and sell holy and sinful pictures, video cameras, butter, grenades, and finally their bodies. When they manage to get the first million, emigrant Robert, a former Nonin fiancé, appears in their richly furnished apartment. The adventurous journey of business thus takes on a more complex form, the presence of a man has a destructive effect on the inseparable friendship of both women.
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