Un jour de juillet 1982, André Bamberski apprend la mort de sa fille Kalinka. Elle avait 14 ans et passait ses vacances en Allemagne auprès de sa mère et de son beau-père le docteur Krombach. Rapidement, les circonstances de sa mort paraissent suspectes. L’attitude de Dieter Krombach ainsi qu’une autopsie troublante laissent beaucoup de questions sans réponse. Très vite convaincu de la culpabilité de Krombach, André Bamberski se lance dans un combat pour le confondre. Un combat de 27 ans qui deviendra l’unique obsession de sa vie…
In the summer of 1982, 14-year-old Kalinka Bamberski died at her stepfather's house in Germany, where she was staying for the holidays. When the case was closed by the German authorities without a real explanation as to how the teenager died, her biological father André Bamberski became certain that her stepfather, a German doctor, was involved in her death. He will spend the next 30 years fighting for the truth, pressuring both French and German authorities into investigating further.
Baseado na história verídica de Andre Bamberski, um pai que durante 27 anos lutou para trazer à justiça o assassino da sua filha, Kalinka, morta em circunstâncias perturbadoras.
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