Tratto dall'ominimo romanzo dello scrittore colombiano Alvaro Mutis, nel 1996 è stato incluso nella selezione ufficiale della 53^ Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia. -Overview by joeki0000-
- Ilona arriva con la pioggia
Cuenta la historia misteriosa de una relación de amor y amistad entre Ilona¸ una mujer libre¸ Maqroll el Gaviero¸ personaje de todas las ficciones de Mutis¸ de nacionalidad indefinida¸ portador de un dudoso pasaporte chipriota¸ y Abdul Bashur¸ un aventurero libanés¸ que se ha alejado de sus orígenes burgueses.
Maqroll, Ilona, and Abdul all share a common dream: to sail the world in a tramp-steamer. But who could afford such a thing? Over the years they have become separated. Alone in Panama City, smuggler Maqroll is finding neither great success nor happiness — until the tropical rains come, bringing Ilona: friend, lover, and partner in crime. Abdul, in Morocco, has found a steamer to suit them. In Panama, Ilona and Maqroll begin a new scheme, in search of impossible wealth. But fate has further twists in store.