2000 yılında hayatını kaybeden Ahmet Kaya'nın hayatını konu alan "İki Gözüm Ahmet" filminin gösterimi mahkeme kararıyla engellenmişti. 7 Şubat Cuma günü vizyona girmesi beklenen "İki Gözüm Ahmet" filmi ile ilgili olarak Kaya'nın varisleri eşi Gülten Kaya ve iki kızının talebi üzerine mahkeme tarafından "İhtiyati Tedbir" kararı alındı.
The stunning production of Ahmet was directed by the collaboration of two talented directors, Hakan Gurtop and Gani Ruzgar Savata. The epic movie reflects the official life story of iconic musician's success story, the way how he build a coop for his chickens in Malatya to set a stage to give them a concert before he had reached his fame and gained the heart of the public as a celebrated musician of the country. Right after migrating to Istanbul his awareness of politics consolidates and after unfortunate love affair he had, he devotes himself to music and his fans. His music appeals to big group of individuals of the country and in due course he gains the label of "Star of the Public". Eventhough, on all occasions he emphasize the integrity of the country and became the voice of the poor, however he was marked and accused as a divider and eventually exiled. Can label of Divider terminate the heroism, which was sealed right at the center of public's' heart?
Das Leben des kurdischen Musikers Ahmet Kaya, von seinen Anfängen bis hin zum gefeierten Star.