Heinrich Gruber, ein Staatsanwalt, wie er im Buche steht, und der Reisejournalist Tom Gruber haben im Leben wenig gemeinsam. Umso mehr staunen die beiden Herren um die 60, als sie sich bei einer Testamentseröffnung kennenlernen – und zwar als Ehemänner der Verstorbenen!
Heinrich Gruber, a public prosecutor as he stands, and the travel journalist Tom Gruber have little in common in life. The two gentlemen in their 60s are all the more astonished when they get to know each other at the opening of a will - as the husbands of the deceased. Sophia, who had a car accident, led a double life that was both secret and happy for decades. While the esoteric Tom would like to get to know his rival in order to understand his beloved wife even better, Heinrich turns completely stubborn in his pain. The paragraph-proof lawyer recognizes Sophia's Las Vegas wedding with Tom just as little as her last will: She asks that her ashes be scattered in the North Sea - by "her" husbands together.