Die junge Lena Kehl will dringend die Berliner Starreporterin Meike Marndorfer sprechen, wird dann aber totgefahren. Meike wittert eine Story über alte Stasi-Machenschaften und recherchiert in Lenas Heimatort Neubrandenburg. Mit Lenas Freund Robert entdeckt sie etwas, das ihr Leben erschüttert.
- Irgendwann sehen wir uns wieder
This drama focuses on a young journalist, whose life is turned upside down when she investigates a dangerous story. Shortly before journalist Meike can talk to Lena, an informant, the young woman is run over by a car. As Meike doesn't believe in an accident, she tries to make inquiries, but even Lena's longtime companion and father refuse to support her. Piece by piece, she learns that there is a connection to her own past...