Nove cittadini italiani sopravvissuti alla deportazione e alla prigionia nei campi di sterminio di Auschwitz. Nove storie attraverso cui riviviamo i passi più significativi di questa allucinante esperienza: il momento dell'emanazione delle leggi razziali in Italia, gli inutili tentativi di fuga, la deportazione, la separazione dalle proprie famiglie, la miracolosa sopravvivenza ad Auschwitz, la liberazione con l'arrivo dei soldati alleati.
Nine Italian citizens survive deportation and internment in the Auschwitz death camps. Nine stories through which we follow the most significant events of this harrowing experience: the enactment of the racial laws in Italy, the futile escape attempts, the deportation, the separation from other family members, the miraculous survival in Auschwitz, and liberation with the arrival of the allied soldiers. Words that we may not be hearing for the first time, but which narrate the many aspects of these tragic accounts: from the most intimate and personal to the more well-known and cruel. These individuals, through their testimonies, are not afraid to reveal feelings of tenderness and compassion, as well as moments of happiness.
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