I Love You, I Love You Not

The film is told through the stories of two women: Nana, a grandmother, and Daisy, her granddaughter. Daisy tells Nana of her strong and blossoming romance with a young man named Ethan and her problems at school because she's Jewish. Nana tells the story of her young life when she was sent to a ghetto and then a concentration camp. The romantic love feelings she has for the boy are indeed strong and genuine, but the romantic love he has for her is questionable. He lets his friends judge her from the outside, not for who she is on the inside, and when she turns out to not be like every other girl he breaks up with her. Daisy is sad so she goes and sees Nana and takes her anger out on her. She then runs away and tries to kill herself but she does not. At the end, she tries to see him again but he looks at her for a long time and walks away with his friends. She stands there; heartbroken, sad and crying, realizing that maybe it was not meant to be and she walks away happy.

한국어 español English

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