Film devoted to director Sergei Parajanov. The film is designed as a confession of the director. There are pictures of various episodes of his life, while shooting, at his home, in prison... The commentary comes in the form of a monologue consisting of excerpts from letters, notes and scripts of his unfinished film The Confession.
关于帕拉杰诺夫的纪录片,由他唯一的侄子格罗吉执导。影片从这位世界级电影大师的童年时代开始追忆,贯穿着拍摄现场、私人访谈、旧照片和电影片段,并叙说了当年那段不堪回首的牢狱生涯对他之后生活和创作的影响。 via auess
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