Gi, who wants to start up her business in Fu Gui Mall, needs to learn to play Taiwan mahjong to be part of the tenants there. All the other tenants teach her the techniques of the game but Fu Ho defeats Gi. However, he is impressed with her determination and rents a place to Gi. Meanwhile, Fu Ho's son, Sun Gui, returns to Hong Kong and is planning to take over the mall. He finds four mahjong experts to gamble with the tenants. Gi, Sam, Lam and the others lose their money and means of survival. Luckily, Lam finds
阿芝(李彩华 饰)是一名电视整蛊节目主持人,某日,她乔装打扮来到富贵商场进行整蛊计划,哪想到真实身份意外曝光,引发了一场混战,并因此与曾经的高中同学杰克(李璨琛 饰)重逢了。原来,阿芝从事这份不光彩的职业纯属为了赚钱,以此一圆她出国读书的梦想,在杰克等人的建议下,阿芝决定在商场中开店。
想要开店,必须先征得赵富豪(夏春秋 饰)的同意,赵富豪早年丧妻,儿子赵新贵(黄浩然 饰)又在外国念书,孤身一人的他倍感孤独。赵富豪喜欢打台湾麻将,找到了突破口的阿芝苦练麻将技术,并最终成为了赵富豪的“最佳牌友”。就在事成之际,赵新贵却杀了出来,在他眼中,阿芝等人不过就是趋炎附势的骗子,他要将他们统统赶出商场。 ©豆瓣