The film revolves around a group of high school and university students during their school break, and the relationships that develop (or don't). Four romantic threads are interwoven in the film's plot. Both Pu (Charlie Trairat) and Mai (Sirachuch Chienthaworn) are in competition for Nana (Ungsumalynn Sirapatsakmetha) while class geek Jo (Ratchu Surachalas) is in love with a popular girl C (Chutima Teepanat). Meanwhile, Oh Lek (Focus Jirakul) is wild about Taiwanese pop sensation Didi (Lu Ting Wei), and Hern (Chantavit Dhanasevi) is thinking of cheating on his girlfriend Nuan (Thaniya Ummaritchoti) when he meets Japanese tourist Aoi (Sora Aoi).<ref name="xpress"></ref>
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