Cheng, Wai & Joe are Gigolos. Cheng, once very popular, is losing his fame due to age. Wai’s profession brings to his family lots of bad luck and destruction. Joe is persuaded to betray his client by videotaping their intercourse for the client’s husband and get involved in a murder case. The life of gigolos with the good things and the wrong side.
祥(万梓良 饰)、伟(任达华 饰)与祖(郑浩南 饰)是某酒吧的三名男妓,他们各有各的个性和客人。 祥已近中年,虽曾一度是客人的“宠儿”,但因体力不支、色相衰弱渐渐失势,为了保持“雄风”,他暗中服食禁药,引致性命危险;伟英俊潇洒,是业内当红炸子鸡,他与祥本是朋友,但因抢尽风光逐渐被后者记恨,而他刻意向家人隐瞒的身份也被曝光,致使家人跟他受累;祖深爱某富家女孩,做舞男只为配上该女身价,可是无意间被对方父母知晓身份后,他也只能被迫转身,与此同时,他卷入某阔太太的命案中成为疑凶。