隨著恆生指數達到前所未有的高度,各行各業的人都瘋狂地進行股票投機。 一名保安同佢嘅屋主親身體驗到,錢係"來得容易,行得易",因為佢哋嘅快速財富喺澳門賭場夜之間消失了。 與此同時,貪婪嘅街坊同異教徒夫婦互相欺騙,甚至藍領工人都陷入埋癲。 不可避免嘅係,市場會像人們的苦樂參半嘅生活一樣暴跌。 一個搞笑但具有諷刺意味嘅故仔,以邵逸夫的一些大明星為特色。
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.