The movie speaks about the life of Madhavankutty (Mammootty), a rich man locally known as "Hitler" due to his tough character, domineering personality and his uncontrolled rage at the youngsters of the area, for stalking his five young sisters. Even though he loves his family more than anything in this world, he fails to express his love. He had been looking after the family since the death of their mother. Their father Pillechan (Innocent (actor)) is married again with two daughters and his children from the first marriage do not even speak with him (Madhavankutty's uncle Gangadhara Menon is responsible for the separation between the children and Pillechan, which is revealed in a later part of the story). Madhavankutty's marriage was fixed with his cousin Gauri (Shobana Chandrakumar) and his sister Ammu’s (Vani Viswanath) marriage with Gauri's brother Balachandran (Mukesh (actor)). Once in Madhavankutty's absence, Balachandran sneaked in to his house to be with Ammu, but get caught which results in hostility between the two families and Madhavankutty opposes any of the decided marriages to happen between the families. Balachandran on the other hand wants to make them happen.
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