A Chinese General and his four troops, almost void in money, journey to the City of Guangzhou in attempts to earn enough cash from selling turtles to build the largest horse racetrack in China. However, when one of the troopers joins a gang leader to gain sudden wealth, the general and the remaining troops attempt to compete for their own wealth by entering Hong Kong to work for a businessman who pays under the table. While in Hong Kong illegally, the soldiers must find a way to bring themselves out of the shadows and find enough money to fulfill their dreams of building the racetrack.
貌不惊人的马伟(许冠文 饰)曾经是解放军二十四军第四师骑兵连的连长。骑在高头大马之上,身着崭新戎装,那神气十足的样子就别提了。但是随着百万大裁军的浪潮袭来,早已不适应现代化战争需求的骑兵编制被取消了,马伟一瞬间从天上掉到地下,无奈退伍的他心中满是不甘,于是带着一班部下转而投靠在广州闯荡的表弟。怎奈表弟买卖军火伏法,穷困潦倒之际,马伟一行南下闯荡香港。曾经铁骨铮铮的七尺男儿为了生计受尽了白眼和欺凌,为了部下能吃口饭,马伟更是殚精竭虑。 小人物在物欲横流的都市里,无论如何不能低下高贵的头颅……