A career woman works at a newspaper and publishing company. She is unexpectedly assigned to another department in order to cover sports. She has to work the baseball beat. She knows little about the sport however. She attends a game one day where she meets a minor league baseball player who has a daughter and no wife. He used to be in the majors, but has not been the same since his accident. The man is pondering retirement. The reporter tries to cheer him up. They fall in love.
供职于某报社经济部的泽木霞(铃木保奈美 饰)是一个机智聪敏的女记者,然而由于未能依照领导的潜规则行事,而被发配到充满了各色极品人物的体育部,一切从零开始。她随负责棒球的同僚星野执行外出采访的任务,也因此结识了效力于燕子队的轰仁太(真田广之 饰)。轰当年是一个声名显赫的王牌投手,但在一次意外之后便自甘堕落。他在场外肆无忌惮嘲弄对手,在场上又不顾比赛形势而险招频处,最终被忍无可忍的教练发配到乙级队伍。