Kostka rodem z samego piekła, wydaje się mieć własne cele i przemierza świat w poszukiwaniu osób na tyle nieświadomych, by ją otworzyć. Tym razem na trop dziwnej grupy pseudo religijnej wpada młoda dziennikarka brytyjskiej gazety i jak to bywa z paparazzi zaczyna drążyć i szukać. Wszystkie tropy prowadzą do Rumunii, gdzie rzeczywistość naszego świata wymieszała się już z piekielnym okrucieństwem.
Zło znów powraca
Reporter Amy Klein (Kari Wuhrer) is sent to Bucharest at the behest of her boss, Charles (Simon Kunz), to investigate a videotape depicting the ritualistic murder - and subsequent Undead - of a member of a cult calling themselves "the Deaders". Amy tracks down the return address of the tape and discovers the corpse of its sender, Marla, holding the Lament Configuration. She returns to her hotel and opens the box, triggering an apparent dream in which she summons Pinhead (Hellraiser) (Doug Bradley). Amy delves into Bucharest's subculture and meets Joey, who warns her about the Deaders and notices that Amy has a 'self destructive thing'.
Uma jornalista bem sucedida da Inglaterra é enviada a Bucareste para investigar uma seita cujos membros cometem suicídios e voltam do mundo dos mortos. Ela descobre um mundo de horror e dor que traz lembranças do passado.
Amy Klein, una giovane reporter di successo, viene inviata a fare luce su uno strano fenomeno verificatosi in Romania. Tramite un videotape, la setta dei Deader rivendica il loro potere di risvegliare i morti per trasformarli in adepti del loro culto. Durante le ricerche spunta fuori il Lament Configuration, e Amy dovrà scoprire a sue spese il nesso tra la setta ed il tremendo cubo dei supplizianti.
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