Sam, 17 ans, est au lycée comme tous les jeunes ou presque car Sam est en fauteuil roulant. Il a grandi seul avec sa mère, Nina. L’arrivée de Vincent, un nouvel élève, va tout changer. Il fait prendre conscience à Sam de toutes les injustices qui les entourent, lui et sa bande de potes, handicapés comme lui : Lila (autiste asperger), Tom (malentendant). Ensemble, ils vont créer un gang pour dénoncer le manque d’accessibilité et de considération qu’ils subissent au quotidien. Loin de se sentir victime, Sam souhaite réveiller les consciences en tapant fort. Même si ce besoin d’indépendance risque d’affecter sa relation avec sa mère.
Sam is in high school like almost everyone his age, because Sam is in a wheelchair. He lives with his mother, Djenna, who has always raised him alone and devotes her life to her. The arrival of Vincent, a new student will change everything. He makes Sam aware of all the injustices that surround him and his group of friends (his friend Nina, "aspi" (autistic sprinkle), Tom, hearing impaired or even blind Leander). Together, they will create a gang to denounce the lack of accessibility and consideration they suffer on a daily basis. Far from feeling victimized, they wish to awaken consciousness by hitting hard. Djenna is worried when she sees her son rebelling because this "gang" and the actions they take could threaten his future. While nothing until then opposed Djenna and her son, today they do not understand each other.