They belong to the armed wing of the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, which is also an active guerrilla movement. The mission of these female fighters? Defend Kurdish territory in Iraq and Syria, and defeat ISIS (the armed militants of the so-called Islamic State group), all while embodying a revolutionary ideal advocating female empowerment. As filmmaker Zaynê Akyol follows their highly regimented lives, seasoned fighters like Rojen and Sozdar openly share with us their most intimate thoughts and dreams. Even as fighting against ISIS intensifies in the Middle East, these women bravely continue their battle against barbarism. Offering a window into this largely unknown world, Gulîstan, Land of Roses exposes the hidden face of this highly mediatized war: the female, feminist face of a revolutionary group united by a common vision of freedom.
Dans les montagnes et le désert du Kurdistan, des femmes luttent contre Daech et défendent leur territoire. Terre de Roses nous dévoile le quotidien de ces combattantes aguerries qui continuent de rire, de vivre et d’être femmes, prenant soin d’elles comme de leurs armes.
Ces femmes fières, courageuses et déterminées sont aux premières loges du combat contre la barbarie tout en incarnant un idéal révolutionnaire axé sur l’émancipation des femmes.
쿠르드족 무장 독립운동 단체 PKK에 소속된 젊은 여전사들은 정의와 자유에 대한 갈망으로 전쟁의 경계에 서 있다. 지금 이 게릴라 여전사들은 이라크와 시리아 국경선 근처에서 급진 수니파 무장단체 IS와 싸우고 있다. 영화는 혁명적 이상을 위해 싸우는 이들의 삶에 초점을 맞추고, 우리를 그들의 가장 내밀한 순간으로 초대하여 꿈과 이상을 나누기를 청한다. EIDF 2016 페스티벌 초이스 출품작