A group of high-school boys in Chiang Mai enjoy the finals years of their adolescent lives and try to negotiate the unpredictable path of growing up. The story centers on Tee, a sensitive boy who lives with his wayward and lovesick sister. After a domestic complication, Tee runs away from the northern city and ends up in Pattaya. As his friends and teachers try to bring him back for the final exam, Tee learns his life lessons the unusual way.
主人公迪是一名高中生,是清迈的一家很有名的中学电影俱乐部的成员。作为发起人,他和朋友们一起拍了个叫做Grean Fictions(痞客青春)的节目。在朋友们的构思和演绎下,这个节目成了Yutube上最红最火的节目,因为故事令人欢笑又令人心碎。《痞客青春》的拍摄似乎和许多人的生活开了意想不到的玩笑,对他们人生造成了或好或坏的影响,但值得肯定的是,每个观众在看他们节目的时候,都感到了无限的温馨和快乐。 那些生命中犯下的弥天大错,我们无法DELETE,无法UNDO,也无法CANCEL。我们能做的是学会从错误中吸取教训,并与之成长。