緑内障にもかかわらず、妻が亡くなった後、哲夫は花火の絵を描くことに日々を費やしています。 ある日、彼の一人息子、ユウジが彼を訪ねる。 哲夫は拒絶された息子を歓迎していませんが、息子の背中を誰かとして見ながら、家族の古い記憶を含む絵を配っています。
Despite glaucoma, Tetsuo spends his days on drawing pictures of fireworks after his wife passed away. One day, his only son, Yuji visits him. Tetsuo is not welcoming his repudiated son, but he hands out his drawing that contains the old memory of his family, watching the back of his son as someone.