故事讲述已届中年的主角蔡升,职业是商场活动上扮财神爷,与一样都是以扮财神爷为职业的死党阿发(锺瑾桦饰)和阿财(周栩禾饰)浑浑噩噩过日子,原来蔡升在 23 年前,派了一个红包万字给好友黄必富(温绍平饰),对方发了大财,还抢走了他的老婆和女儿,令他自此自暴自弃,认为发达才是王道!23 年后的现在,蔡升误打误撞到黄必富家扮财神,在这个最尴尬的时刻重遇长
大了亲身女儿蔡琳(田艺兰饰),在万念俱灰之下,蔡升竟然被真正的财神“相中”,给予他一笔横财,但是条件是每日转到罗盘上的银码,必须在当天内花光光, 蔡升和他友人的人生大逆转,不过由于每日转到的银码都不一样,所以一天会过得很挥霍、隔天就过得很潦倒,但蔡升也在这段日子中,对“金钱”有了不一样的体会……
Bob is middle-age divorced man, hardly meet his end needs but still remain positive. His only on is diagnosed as cardiac failure, which give Bob high burden to maintain his son’s necessary medical treatment.. One day he made a wish to the God of Wealth : “I wish i could be rich before i die.” One night, Bob appears in a wide open office of a men wearing red outfit, it is God of Wealth himself. God of Wealth granted Bob’s wish, so for the next 7 days, Bob can get money when he wish for. The money-making power comes with a catch : “All the money come from one’s happy memory. The more money you take, the more happy memory you will lose.” Bob thought that with such money in hand, he can solve everything, But after excessive money spending, the son lose his memory to his father Bob.