Ghost House

Pil-gi (Cha Seung-won) has finally saved enough money to make his late father's wish come true: He can buy his own house. However, upon moving into his new residence, he is bothered by one if its previous residents, a poltergeist, who claims the house belongs to it and attempts to scare him out. Pil-gi will not give up on his dream so easily, though. He calls the police, invites friends to stay for the night, and tries exorcism rituals. None of it works. During one attack by the poltergeist he is struck by lightning and awakes in a hospital. He eventually decides it would be best to sell the house, but upon returning he discovers that he can see the ghost who has been haunting him. She reveals that her name is Yeon-hwa (Jang Seo-hee) and, now less frightened, Pil-gi talks to her and he decides to stay. However, an investor looking to build a new hotel on the site makes Pil-gi an offer to buy the house. Now it is Yeon-hwa's turn to be afraid. She begs him not to sell the house and tells him her life story. Pil-gi vows to help her keep her house.

한국어 русский язык English
  • Movie ID 119341
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide September 17, 2004
  • Original Country South Korea
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages Korean
  • Production Countries South Korea
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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