Corporate Senior management Donald Beeman, fed up with the rat race, impulsively quits his job and takes to the road as a traveling tap dance Magic (illusion) under the tutelage of Mr. Delasandro. His former boss Mr. Turnbull, determined to convince him to return to his Working time#9 to 5 existence, chases after him as he performs his routine in seedy nightclubs and honky tonks, but instead the two create Tap Dancing Magicians, a course for pressured businessmen. When their little venture becomes one of the most successful corporations in the world, Donald ironically finds himself feeling the same way he did when he originally quit his job.
Ein Angestellter steigt aus seinem Beruf aus und lernt das Handwerk des Zauberers. Die alten Geschäftsmechanismen stellen sich jedoch wieder ein, als sein inzwischen ebenfalls ausgestiegener ehemaliger Chef das Management des Ein-Mann-Unternehmens übernimmt und es in kurzer Zeit zu einem Magie-Imperium ausbaut.
Thomas e Alfred nasceram na mesma hora, na mesma maternidade. Depois, seguiram caminhos muito distintos: Alfred cresceu em uma família rica, cheia de mordomias, enquanto Thomas teve uma vida de dificuldades. Amargurado, este último começa a pensar que talvez tenha sido trocado na maternidade, e que a vida de privilégios talvez fosse sua por direito. Ele começa então a planejar uma vingança contra o seu inimigo.
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Português - Brasil