Michel souffre d'une étrange pathologie. Une forme de racisme rare et parfaitement désuète : la haine de l'Anglais. Ce travers, obsessionnel, l'a conduit à monter une association (dont les seuls membres sont, en dehors de lui, son frère et un copain) et à mener des opérations commando (recouvrement de termes anglais par des autocollants, vente à la sauvette d'une revue violemment anti-britannique).
Michel sofre de uma estranha doença. Uma forma de racismo raro e totalmente antiquado: a raiva dos ingleses. A irritação, obsessiva, o levou a organizar uma associação e a conduzir operações milicianas...
Michel suffers from a strange pathology. A perfectly old-fashioned and rare type of racism: the hatred of Englishmen. This obsessional fault, led him to create an association (which the only members are, except himself, his brother and a friend) and to lead commando operations (covering of English terms with stickers, and street hawking of a violently anti-British review).
Português - Brasil