故事发生在某女子监狱中。深夜子时,万籁俱寂,女囚周露(李佳 饰)面无表情地环视着阴暗的牢房,压抑着狂野的情绪,时间一分一秒过去,她像下定决心般把双手伸向了睡在一旁的另一位狱友。黑夜过去,白昼来临,在遭众狱友轮番凌辱后,周露被管教经纬带进了发泄室中。监房高处窗中射入刺眼的阳光,阳光穿透了周露伤痕累累的胳膊,那是她数次自杀未果的标记。对着墙上斑驳的镜片,她陷入痛苦难奈的回忆之中,冥冥间她似乎看到了早亡的父亲,以及那个沾血的洋娃娃,又似乎看见了继父那双伸向自己的魔爪,还有被逼的疯癫的母亲,随后又出现了向自己施暴的丈夫,周露彻底崩溃了。
Zhou Lu is a female inmate convicted of murder. At first glance, her file looks like an open and shut case of a woman so fed up with her marriage that she resorts to killing her husband. Officer Hao Ruping, however, feels that here is more than meets the eye with Zhou Lu, so she takes on the investigation. What she uncovers is Zhou Lu's dark past, unfolding a thrilling tale of lies, delusions and family secrets.