Dorfhelferin Katja Baumann bekommt eine Beförderung – und einen neuen Auftrag: Die griesgrämige Bäuerin Maria Sindlfinger ist von der Leiter gefallen. Katja kümmert sich um den Hof, der im Chaos versinkt. Nebenan hilft derweil der Berliner Zahnarzt Cem beim Einzug einer türkischen Familie. Katja findet ihn auf Anhieb sympathisch.
Katja trabaja como interna en la granja de una pareja de ancianos gruñones. Cuando él se tropieza y cae por las escaleras , acude al hospital para restablecerse y la joven debe quedarse sola al cargo del rancho...
Katja Baumann receives a call from Dr. Stefanie Schneiderhahn.Maria Sindlfinger is a grumpy widow who feels a great anger the day before her birthday on 6 of July; this year she fell from a ladder and broke her arm.Also she asks the nurse to call to his son who left her alone after the death of her husband.Katja Baumann discovers a real chaos but put all things in order.A family of Berlin arrives at the place because they have bought the neighbor farm: Cem presents himself as a dentist to Katja and they talk a while.Maria has left the hospital and returns to her house, bad tempered because Katja has cleaned the house and because she doesn't want the pastry the Turkish German sent her.Katja spends a nice evening with Cem.But in the house Mark and Sophie will separate themselves and Kiki had great troubles with her boyfriend Sam. For the birthday Cem and his family will organize an evening in the garden before Maria's house.