Diana and Wai have become overburdened with debt, and in a scheme to make some quick cash, they put together a fake "family" to go on a reality TV show. Their family is pitted against another one, and they must compete to see who can live off the smallest amount of money. But as the game approaches the end, the show's producer forces the director to make a few changes to boost ratings, which may inadvertently expose Diana and Wai for the frauds they are.
典型都市女性Diana(郑裕玲 饰)有着骄人的事业成绩,也积极经营着自己的爱情。可是香港经济不景气,她与同公司的小职员韦大汉(曾志伟 饰)都在了裁员的名单上。韦大汉早年妻子因为好赌离家出走,丢下了女儿千华(杨千嬅 饰)及小儿子万华需要供养。他向儿女隐瞒自己已经被解雇的事实,可是Diana的出现让千华及弟弟都知道了爸爸的真实情况。原来Diana的出现是想跟他们参加一个家庭制的游戏,只有胜出游戏,电视台便会原价收购他们的负资产业。Diana是一个自私冷酷的人,在游戏的过程中,被大汉付出在儿女身上的感情而改变了她。千华也在游戏中与导演(陈奕迅 饰)产生了感情。游戏最终由他们胜出,可是千华亲生母亲的出现使局面彻底改变了……