In this FICTIONAL film, filled with FICTIONAL people doing FICTIONAL things, Mabel (Marilyn Maxwell) and Arnold (Leo G. Carroll), a couple of sophisticated swells from New York City, are on one of their annual 'See American First' tours. They are traveling bu auto and get stranded on a road in a rural part of Tennessee. Marty Robbins (Marty Robbins) and his musicians and crew, en route to Nashville, stop their bus, help them get on their way and give them tickets to the Grand Ole Opry, which Mabel thinks is a grand old opera. Arnold becomes fascinated by the country music and accepts an offer from Marty to take a trip with him and his musicians. Along the way, Arnold becomes the manager of Jose Gonzales-Gonzales (Jose Gonzales-Gonzales), who has decided he is a show producer. The group then engages in the production of a country-western music show.
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