Documental sobre Sol Picó: desde la bailarina bajo los focos a la realidad de detrás del escenario, su día a día en un momento crucial de su carrera. También recorrerá la trayectoria artística de Sol Picó (sus inicios de performance, al teatro de calle y, finalmente, su consolidación artística y la creación de su propia compañía) y también se acercará a la faceta más personal de la artista (las dificultades de la creación y de crecer como bailarina, y cómo encarar su carrera después de cumplir 50 años).
Documentary about the dancer Sol Picó. From the dancer under the spotlight to her reality behind the scenes, the documentary approaches Sol Pico’s daily life at a crucial moment in her career after winning the National Dance Award. Also it goes across Sol Picó’s artistic career, from the beginning of her performance, to the street theatre and, finally, her artistic consolidation and the creation of her own company. Her work is characterized by showing a strong and brave woman but who is not afraid of showing her weaknesses without taboos. The project also brings the artist’s more personal side closer: the difficulties of growing up as a dancer, the difficulties of creation and how to face her career after turning 50.