Franchesca Page

The story follows the adventures of Rita Page, an aspiring showgirl in Las Vegas and his daughter Franchesca completely talentless, in their relentless pursuit of Broadway fame. After a disastrous audition, to everyone's surprise, Franchesca gets the role of an actress acting in a disc magazine poorly organized called "The Lady does it all". Following events claims that are followed during the tests Franchesca and her mother, in the belief that these events are not random, set out in search of the culprit coming to discover that behind the producer of the musical, Veronica (Rossy de Palma) lies a diabolical mind. In fact Veronica intends to become a "flop" the musical, having already in his hands investors' money. The mother and daughter, with the near Melba and the best friend in tow, make sure to thwart Veronica trying to Franchesca become a star

English 日本語 italiano
  • Movie ID 235408
  • Status Released
  • Released Italy April 1, 1998 (Turin International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival) Germany October 22, 1998 (Hamburg Lesbian and Gay Film Festival) Japan April 28, 2001 (Tokyo)
  • Runtime 94 minutes
  • Genres Musical Comedy
  • Original Country United States of America
  • Original Language English
  • Production Company Ocelot Films Inc.
  • Distributor Excelsior Cinematografica
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Box Office Worldwide $6,347
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created August 11, 2021 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 11, 2021 by
    Administrator admin

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