Dante es un cinéfilo dueño de un videoclub que sueña con hacer una película. Su primo Damián es un buscavidas que sueña con dar un golpe que le solucione la vida. Ambos cuidan a Lucas, el narrador de la historia, un enamorado de las películas de acción incapaz de moverse por una lesión.
Lucas, an action movies lover who can't move because of an injury, tells us the story of his brother Dante and his cousin Damián. Dante is a film buff, a cinephile that owns a video shop and dreams of making a movie after having produced, directed and starred in several short films. His cousin Damián is a slum snooper who daydreams of giving a blow that will solve his life and enables him to go to Jamaica. They both try to reach for their goals at once and end up needing the others help.