Yukari always wanted to become a flight attendant and has just been hired by Japan Airlines. However, due to an unexpected mistake, she has also been recruited to the company's basketball team (the JAL "Rabbits") despite being a lousy at basketball. Forced to divide her time between job training and playing basketball, Yukari makes an increasing amount of mistakes in both areas. Frustrated, she nearly gives up on her dream career, but somehow finds the strength to keep trying both in the skies and on the court.
스튜디어스가 꿈이였던 유카리는(이시하라 사토미)는 꿈을 이루어 일본 항공 JAL에 입사한 유카리,
동명이인 때문에 전산 실수로 래빗츠의 합숙소로 가게된 유카리는 어쩔수없이 농구선수들과 생활하게됩니다
유라키의 재능을 알아본 임감독은 유카리를 영입하면서 한번도 해보지않은 농구를 시작하게되는데요
童年时的一段神奇经历,在小女孩早濑由香里的心中深深埋下一颗种子。此去经年,22岁的由香里(石原里美 饰)终于如愿,成为日航JAL的一名空中小姐。她被分配到空乘的兔子队接受入职培训,闲暇期间则和朋友们游玩联谊,生活无比美好。偶然的机缘,她结识了林(高田纯次 饰),结果竟被稀里糊涂地拉进日航旗下的篮球队兔子队。兔子队原是高手云集的明星球队,但是自两年前开始每况愈下,水平直线下降。为了重现旧日辉煌,日航请来曾为韩国联赛冠军的林教练操练球队。身形虽然矮小但是敏捷的由香里被林的慧眼识中。 在此之后,她必须兼顾空姐和球队的培训,同时还要面对感情上的磨练,生活充实而紧张…… ©豆瓣