Hiyori is an ornithologist (expert on birds). His wife is Rinko. She is the leader the minority opposition party. One morning, Hiyori is about to travel to an isolated island to watch birds on a 10 day trip. Before he leaves, Rinko asks him if she becomes the prime minister would he be inconvenienced. Hiyori then goes on his bird watching trip. During this time, he is completely isolated from the outside world. When he returns home, his wife Rinko is now the prime minister of the country. She is also the first ever female prime minister of Japan. Suddenly, Hiyori is now the first gentleman of the country. He decides to support his wife, but he finds himself caught up in unexpected circumstances.
世間知らずのお坊ちゃん=日和が、一目惚れの末結婚にまで漕ぎつけたのは、年上のパーフェクト美女=凛子。鳥好きが高じて鳥類研究所で嬉々として働く日和と、政治の世界に身を置き多忙な日々を送る凛子は、凸凹夫婦ながら仲良く順調な日々を送っていたはず……だった。だが凛子が日本初の女性総理大臣に就任し、日和は日本初の“ファーストジェントルマン”にかつぎあげられる! 前途多難な“総理の夫”の行方は――!?